V2.8.2 ====== Features: - "Legacy SET 1:" button is set below "AVB" button in "groups". Enabling this button makes the LeaveAll to send 2 iso 1 joinMts. This option can be needed as workaround in combination with some non Avnu/Milan certified components! - Improve POE detection and add POE detection status in webUI: - Disable PoE after one second delay. This makes sure the device has enough time to start up before disconnect sensing is enabled. - Allow Rsig too low as correct detection for ltc4271. - Add stat/poe_detection web call. - Extend sfp info: Vendor name, revision, type, ... - Allow setting/getting gptp priority1 via webapi for Araneo Fixes: - oos(out of sync issue) and ghost link issue: - Stop status timers when password change was succesfull Login prompt was refreshing every second (on i.e. Chrome) after changing a password because the the webpage keeps polling for status information, but these requests are returning a 401: Not Authorized. - Dropbear (ssh) changes: - Add Counter Mode support - Get rid of blowfish and twofish CTR since they weren't likely to be that useful - Add diffie-hellman-group14-sha1 KEX method - Add accumulated latency (kbps) and talker failed failure code to the AVB api - Fix for SNMP Rmon: Last port could not be configured for Rmon - Warning if snooping and unknown-flooding are disabled both: Warning when Snooping is disabled while unknown-flooding was already disabled: "IGMP unknown-flooding and IGMP snooping are disabled. This means Multicast data will not be forwarded by the switch for this group!" Warning when unknown-flooding is disabled while Snooping was already disabled in e.g. group1: "Both IGMP unknown-flooding and IGMP snooping are disabled on the following groups:1 This means Multicast data will not be forwarded by the switch for these groups!"